Within the framework of a cooperation with other active organizations in the Spanish-speaking community, we had the pleasure of taking part in the seminar offered by the Confederation of Spanish parents in the German Federal Republic and the Spanish Training Academy Academy in one of this years’ most important events on the entrepreneurship and promotion of employment in Germany. Aimed at both those who are just starting their professional careers and those who are thinking about creating their own company in Germany or exercise their occupation as self-employed professionals, this seminar tried to offer a broad perspective of the possibilities and the obligations, as well as outlining the legal framework to which the economic activity would be subjected. With the support and funding from the Employment and Social Security Council of the Spanish Government, in 2015 two seminars were organized in North-Rhine Westphalia and the Black Forest.
- Employment and entrepreneurship – two sides of the same coin
- Type of companies within the German law system
- Tax obligations for self-employed professionals and for entrepreneurs
- Business project for microentrepreneurs: from the concept of a company to the financial plan
- Job search: cover letter, CV and job interview
- Language and culture as factors of employment success
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